Winter Droving Superhero Businesses

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Only select business can join the superhero businesses that support the Winter Droving and in doing so are part of a very special club - who are they?

For the second year running local heroes are title sponsors of the Winter Droving. This financial technology company based in Penrith employs over 50 people and are leading developers of insurance comparison.

Simon Ravenhill, Commercial Director at says “The chance to be associated with an outstanding regional event is too good to turn down. We get the benefit of association, the opportunity to support our local community, great media coverage and feel-good factor, staff engagement through joining in on the day and entering into the fun in the Drovers Cup, and we also know that we are playing a leading role in making the area a great place to live and work, so it even helps with recruitment.”

Ast - one of the UK’s leaders in corporate branding - are also one of Winter Droving’s long standing supporters and are back this year as a main sponsor.

Lantern sponsors this year are Armstrong Watson, Brunswick Yard, Burnetts, Cranstons, Dodd and Co, J&J Graham, North Lakes Hotel, Rheged, Thermafleece and Townhall Treasures.

Vets4Pets Penrith are sponsoring the fancy dress for dogs competition and Angel Lane Chippie are sponsoring the Drovers Cup. Cumberland and Westmoreland Herald are media partners. Plus many more businesses are giving in-kind supplies.

Winter Droving core funders are Arts Council England, Eden District Council, Penrith Business Improvement District who are sponsoring the main stage, Pride in Penrith Lottery and Penrith Town Council and we thank them for their continued investment into the festival.

There are still a couple of remaining opportunities - including the branding of a major new addition to the lantern parade - an ELEPHANT! (that will be sure to get great attention!).

If you wish to join the business superheroes and gain superpowers as a lantern sponsor or stage/area sponsor call Heather Walker, Eden Arts, Deputy Director on 01768 899444 or email to discuss the possibilities as soon as possible.

Winter Droving takes place on Sat 26th October 2019 in Penrith Town Centre. For more information on the Winter Droving go to

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  • Eden District Council
  • Supported using public funding by Arts Council England